The Old Sailor (A.A.Milne)

What with a steady stream of weekend visitors for the rest of the year/looking into my thyroid (& possible adrenal) issues/doing some further tests/trying to find a treatment/thinking about starting a search for a decent endocrinologist who cares/investigating leaky gut syndrome/reigning in my eating choices so that they support all of the above issues instead of hindering them/searching for a surrogate/trying to figure out HOW to search for a surrogate/trying to get the ball rolling on donor egg cycle/haven’t even made the list of questions for my IVF clinic interviews and they are NEXT WEEK/keeping up with the people in blog-and-forum land who support me when I am in need, and giving those individuals the same support/keeping up with dear friends and family in real life, who deserve the same/chipping away at Grandfather’s memoir transcription project/dealing with pregnant best friend/sorting out where I want or need to go with my new weekly counselling sessions/weekly exercise program/renewing daily meditation program/TRYING to get to bed early/managing the house and garden/still feeling constantly tired, drained or completely exhausted – ALL WHILE TRYING NOT TO DO TOO MUCH BECAUSE DOING TOO MUCH IS THE EVIL ADRENAL-KILLER- I am beginning to feel like the Old Sailor below.

My littlest brother came to visit on the weekend.  We had a lovely time, with nice food, chats and a good walk thrown in. He also mentioned feeling a little overwhelmed with decisions around which issues to target first in some aspects of his life, so it seems like a perfect moment to bring out A.A. Milne:

The Old Sailor
There was once an old sailor my grandfather knew 
Who had so many things which he wanted to do 
That, whenever he thought it was time to begin, 
He couldn’t because of the state he was in. 

He was shipwrecked, and lived on a island for weeks, 
And he wanted a hat, and he wanted some breeks; 
And he wanted some nets, or a line and some hooks 
For the turtles and things which you read of in books. 

And, thinking of this, he remembered a thing
Which he wanted (for water) and that was a spring;
And he thought that to talk to he’d look for, and keep
(If he found it) a goat, or some chickens and sheep.

Then, because of the weather, he wanted a hut
With a door (to come in by) which opened and shut
(With a jerk, which was useful if snakes were about),
And a very strong lock to keep savages out.

He began on the fish-hooks, and when he’d begun 
He decided he couldn’t because of the sun. 
So he knew what he ought to begin with, and that 
Was to find, or to make, a large sun-stopping hat. 

He was making the hat with some leaves from a tree, 
When he thought, “I’m as hot as a body can be, 
And I’ve nothing to take for my terrible thirst; 
So I’ll look for a spring, and I’ll look for it first.” 

Then he thought as he started, “Oh, dear and oh, dear!
I’ll be lonely tomorrow with nobody here!”
So he made in his note-book a couple of notes:
I must first find some chickens” and “No, I mean goats.”

He had just seen a goat (which he knew by the shape)
When he thought, “But I must have boat for escape.
But a boat means a sail, which means needles and thread;
So I’d better sit down and make needles instead.”

He began on a needle, but thought as he worked,
That, if this was an island where savages lurked,
Sitting safe in his hut he’d have nothing to fear,
Whereas now they might suddenly breathe in his ear!

So he thought of his hut … and he thought of his boat, 
And his hat and his breeks, and his chickens and goat, 
And the hooks (for his food) and the spring (for his thirst) … 
But he never could think which he ought to do first. 

And so in the end he did nothing at all, 
But basked on the shingle wrapped up in a shawl. 
And I think it was dreadful the way he behaved – 
He did nothing but bask until he was saved! 

Sometimes, I am very tempted to do something similar.  

Or perhaps, just throw myself under a bus.  
I know: if anyone has a spare spindle, I think Sleeping Beauty 
had it pretty easy for about 100 years.  Hmm.
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Meme of the month

Versions of this meme seem to be doing the rounds, but this one has come with an added bonus for me: and award, from Justina. Thank you!

The Rules:

  • USE ONLY ONE WORD! It’s not as easy as you might think. Copy and change the answers to suit yourself and pass it on. It’s really hard to use only one-word answers so try your best.
  • Tag 6 other bloggers and let them know that you think they are ‘Over the Top’!

1. Where is your cell phone? bench

2.Your hair? messy
3. Your mother? interstate
4. Your father? same
5. Your favorite food? chocolate
6. Your dream last night? forget
7. Your favorite drink? BrandyAlexander
8. Your dream/goal? Mother
9. What room are you in? study
10. Your hobby? gardening
11. Your fear? suffering
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? content
13. Where were you last night? Dexter
14. Something that you aren’t? tolerant
15. Muffins? rarely
16. Wish list item? Children
17. Where did you grow up? rural
18. Last thing you did? pudding
19. What are you wearing? jeans
20. Your TV? ancient
21. Your pets? fish
22. Friends? Missed
23. Your life? incomplete
24. Your mood? Exhausted
25. Missing someone? babies
26. Vehicle? Toyota
27. Something you’re not wearing? shoes
28. Your favorite store? bookshop
29. Your favorite color? pistachio
30. When was the last time you laughed? unsure
31. Last time you cried? Tuesday
32. Your best friend? pregnant
33. One place that I go to over and over? thoughts
34. One person who emails me regularly? MIL
35. Favorite place to eat? home

Six I tag:
Me (no, not ME, Me.)
Aunt Becky

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Assvice/ Words of Wisdom from Aunt Jane. (Haven’t we all heard a few?)

Thanks to Mel from Stirrup Queens for this little gem, and to Arminta, on whose blog I found it today.

What has Aunt Jane said to YOU??? And perhaps more importantly, what do you say in reply to Aunt Jane?

Dear Aunt Jane, ……..

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Apropos of gallimaufry. Or, nothing much at all. You decide.

Should I blog or should I nap? I haven’t got anything to say, yet I have a world of things that are champing at the bit to be discussed. I am tired, but then, I am always tired, and I have my walking group in an hour, so I probably wouldn’t get much napping done anyway, as I would fret about not waking up in time and missing the walk. Last week I missed the walk because I was engrossed in splitting sword sedge plants to grow up for next year’s revegetation. This excuse was met with nods of approval, as the group I go with are all mad greenie conservationist gardening types. I would look like a complete arse if I failed to show again, but had to explain that I was NAPPING.

But. I wish I wasn’t tired. Because it is demotivating, and my thoughts can’t collect together properly. I want to talk about the thyroid issues in more detail, and I want to share what I have learned so far about the surrogacy option, and where we are leaning at the moment in terms of choices. But it all seems to overwhelming and hard. So here are the kind of snippets I can manage right now:
  1. How do people blog every DAY? Where is the time, the energy, the wherewithal? I am jealous.
  2. This week, again, is cold. I am not enjoying the suffering this brings, in the form of cold induced urticaria (hives) and wish the warm weather would get its skates on. The bird bath was frosted over this morning. Brrr.
  3. I have a LOT of gardening to do, and hope tomorrow is fine, so I can get on and do it. Apart from splitting sword sedges, I have split my saffron and repotted my blueberries. The truffle inoculated oaks are in, but the logan berries and fregar peach are not. I have many a path to make, in order to keep the weeds down. And I have some primula auriculas to sow (that should have been sown about three months ago!). Then I have to finish netting the plum tree, the peach tree and the berries, before the parrots discover the blossom and peck it off. Bastards.
  4. My rhubarb crop of three plants is going insane. This week I have made rhubarb ice-cream, vanilla ice-cream, and a vanilla/passionfruit/lemoncurd blend. THAT was sensational.
  5. I have been generously bequeathed season 2 and 3 of Dexter. Can’t wait to sit and stare mindlessly at the screen for hours a night, lost in someone else’s fantasy world. Is that wrong? More virtuously (but only marginally) I have just finished watching series 4 of Grand Designs. The design aspect makes me long to design my own home. The build aspect makes me loath to build my own home.
  6. My new haircut is now almost 2 weeks old and I have yet to take a photo of it. Shame on me. I’ve gone back to pixie-ish/Amelie/very short bob style. I much prefer it, even though the difference is not startling.
  7. I have a pair of guests this weekend (DH’s friends), but DH is on call and I am already booked to spend all Saturday at a fire prevention workshop. Oh well. Them’s the breaks around here. They’ll just have to amuse themselves. I hope they eat rhubarb ice cream.
  8. I have begun a yolates (yoga x pilates) class on Tuesdays. Core strength, lots of ab work. I need it. Flabby guts. Seriously, though, my posture creates a lot of my back problems and I need to start not only being more mindful of ‘netural pelvis’ etc, but also doing the work to lengthen and strengthen my quads and hip flexor muscles, while building up my stomach and lower back muscles. Otherwise I will continue to have sway back and it will continue to hurt.
  9. My body aches from all the yoga, yolates, weight training and aerobics it has performed over the past two weeks. It always hates the first fortnight back at exercise after a long break. I’m looking forward to the part where it actually feels GOOD. Hopefully coming soon…
  10. Time to put on socks, shoes, and walking clothes. Don the hat, but waive the sunscreen. Fill the camelback with fresh, clean, rainwater. Slip into a smile that belies how tired I feel, and join the merry band of 60-somethings traversing the countryside. [I can often hardly keep up with them. So embarrassing].
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    Friday on my mind. And, Wilson’s Syndrome.

    Well I must be feeling slightly better because I’ve mustered up the energy to tap away here this afternoon.

    The cold never materialised, thank God, but I still have a sore gum. This morning I was despondent that it wasn’t an infection because the antibiotics didn’t seem to be working, but 12 hrs on I think I’ll have to recant. I can feel the skin slowly closing over, leaving a smooth sensation rather than rough, and it is not so tender to touch. Plus I am not as grouchy as I was yesterday, which is a blessing. However, I have developed a neck ache. But I’ll keep my complaints about that to a minimum.

    I had a phone chat with a good friend yesterday and we talked our aches and pains at length. She said, towards the end of the session “oh good Lord, is this what the future holds for us? Long discussions about our health issues?” I laughed and agreed we sounded like a couple of old people. I guess we are.

    So here’s a funny thing. Did I ever mention that 3 yrs ago I had tried to get my reverse T3 tested (thyroid panel) but couldn’t find a lab here that did it? Forgot about it. Wilson’s Syndrome is not only rare, but disputed to even exist by a lot of the medical field. Anyhoo, then my naturopath brought it up again after my last miscarriage, saying she thought I had thyroid issues even though the regular tests were normal, and I should get my reverse T3 done. Am I repeating myself? I have a feeling I already talked about this, but am too lazy to go back and check. Anyway the results just came back and I know I haven’t told you about them because guess what? THEY WERE TOO HIGH.

    And not ONLY were they too high, the ratio of normal, free T3 to reverse T3 was wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. It is supposed to be above 1. Mine was 0.72 and this means I have reverse T3 dominance. Finally I have something wrong with me! Too bad it is so rare people don’t agree it even exists, but fuck it, I’m claiming it!!!

    Also, I am going to quote the explanation, because I won’t say it as well as this website has:
    Reverse T3 dominance, also known as Wilson’s Syndrome, is a condition that exhibits most hypothyroid symptoms although circulating levels of T3 and T4 are within normal test limits. The metabolism of T4 into rT3 is in excess when compared to T3 therefore it is a T4 metabolism malfunction rather than a straight forward thyroid deficiency. Periods of prolonged stress may cause an increase in cortisol levels as the adrenal glands respond to the stress. The high cortisol levels inhibit the conversion of T4 into T3 thus reducing active T3 levels. The conversion of T4 is then shunted towards the production of the inactive reverse T3. This reverse T3 dominance may persist even after the stress passes and cortisol levels have returned to normal as the reverse T3 itself may also inhibit the conversion of T4 to T3 thus perpetuating the production of the inactive reverse T3 isomer. There is some argument to this last point with some research indicating that the elevated rT3 is only temporary and not a permanent condition. The medical authorities officially do not accept reverse T3 dominance theory and thus many doctors will refuse to treat this condition. We have found prolonged elevated reverse T3 in many of our patients whom all respond well to T3 therapy.

    So I had a looky around for treatment, found one, got DH to write me a prescription and we posted it off to Victoria to have it filled. Crazy to think you can’t get the medication in your own state. Given we are about to go into a long weekend, I am not expecting the package any time before next Friday, maybe even well into the following week. You know, that’s just part of living in rural Western Australia. It’s what I love about it most.

    But. Treatment. O.M.G. To even HOPE that I might one day not be freezing all the time. To stop suffering from cold-induced urticaria. To not feel tired and groggy most of the time. To actually have a libido! The list of hypothyroid symptoms I have had, forever, is as long as my arm and I will not bore you with it here. But as long as those TSH tests were coming back normal, no doctor would diagnose me with a problem.

    I spent all yesterday online (this resulted in the sore neck I am now (not) complaining about) doing some thyroid issue research and came up with some pretty good sites. If anyone out there thinks THEY might have a thyroid issue that’s going undiagnosed and untreated, I recommend you have a look at Stop the Thyroid Madness for some tips about how to be proactive in getting it sorted out.

    Anyhoo. DH has just walked in the door. I’ve barely laid eyes on him all week, and we are about to start the long weekend and HE IS NOT ON CALL. So, time for a beer (or maybe that fancy new Belevedere 100 proof vodka we bought duty free) and a here’s cheers to some HOPE at least, that a few months of thyroid treatment might transform me into a new woman. I’d really love to let myself daydream about how this might even solve my fertility issues, but I’m not going to go there…

    Happy Friday!
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    Home Sweet Home. Or not. As the case may be.

    So the holiday is over and we’ve been home almost a week now and it feels like we never left. I might write about Bali and I might not, who knows. I’d like to be in the mood, but frankly, I’ve had a gum/soft palate inflammation since Monday that’s making me VERY cranky. The SM33 gel which usually works wonders after one or two applications has been cranked up to every three waking hours for three days to absolutely no effect. The nearest tooth is throbbing, and the pain has spread into my nasal cavity and eye socket, with glimpses into the Eustachian tube.

    Not. Happy. Jan.
    DH took a look this morning, after I wouldn’t stop moaning about “the pain, the pain!” and pronounced it infected, came home with some antibiotics and demanded I begin immediately. Wasn’t it just two weeks ago I took a course for that possible uterine infection? Why yes, it was. How could I forget?
    Oh well, Spicks and Specks is just on so I shall go and cheer myself up with a bit of light musical comedy banter. And perhaps a couple of panadol.
    Is there enough time to mention that DH has had a nasty cold all week, complete with laryngitis, and I am beginning to feel a bit virus ridden with a slight dry tickle to to the throat? I think I would rather be subjected to several consecutive hours of being barraged by touts on the Monkey Forest Road in Ubud, to peruse their wares or sample their transport services, than inhabit my body for another day, in this state.
    Oh, the pain. I think my head is on fire.
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    Wherever you go, there you are

    Darwin is the capital of casual. If you think of Australia as the casual capital of the world, then Darwin is the casual capital of Australia. I’m talking thongs (the footwear, people, the footwear – get with the local lingo please!) are acceptable attire in pubs, fancy restaurants, hotel lobbies. Most people walk around in their bathers. Shorts and a t-shirt is almost overdressed. Alarmingly, hats are not seen as often as they ought to be, and I have witnessed a disappointingly surprising number of babies and young children without headcover, parents oblivious to the cancer and other long term skin damage risks at which they are putting their children.

    For those of you that know Perth, you’ll know what I mean when I say conjour up an image of Northbridge and you have a pretty good idea what the inner streets of Darwin feel like. But hotter. Smaller than Northbridge, bigger than Broome, same kind of feel. Restarurants all staffed by foreign travellers – the food and service are both excellent, but no-one can make a decent cup of coffee to save their life.

    Somehow, I still haven’t managed a dip in the hotel pool, and we’ve been here 3 full days already. I have stocked up on secondhand books at the most amazing and extensively stocked second hand bookstore I have ever seen in my life. I have acquired 4 new pieces of clothing at a very good quality red cross op shop. For a cost of just over thirty dollars, I got the equivalent of several hundred dollars worth of new attire. I have bought myself a new pair of havaiana thongs (get used to it folks) and scoped out some new sunglasses upon which I am still deciding.

    So, retail therapy is in full swing. However, for some strange reason (strong sarcasm), it still doesn’t seem to make me happy. On my first day alone here, I wandered the streets feeling totally bereft. It may have had something to do with the fact that Fathers’ day was that weekend, and heavily advertised and in my face, and DH is not going to be a father this year (again) and boo hoo and all that. But more likely it was just the first time I have had alone, with nothing to do, no one to distract myself with, no deadlines to meet, no TV to watch, and the feelings just came right to the surface. Despite the warmth, the sunshine, the luxury hotel, the licence to spend money – I was thoroughly miserable. But at least I named it, and allowed myself to feel it, and I talked about it with DH when he came home that evening. None of that made it go away, but it made it easier to cope.

    This is grief. It comes when it comes, sometimes at obvious moments, and other times unexpectedly. Sometimes it stays for days, sometimes you forget about it for a week and it comes back to blindside you all of a sudden, out of the blue. And, whatever form it takes, it never does quite leave you altogether. At the moment I am having to guard against it heavily, as I interact socially with the other delegates and their partners, and they all want to talk about their children and grandchildren. One woman I know from our posting in Derby. She and I began TTC the same month, Oct 2003. Her third daughter is 6 months old now. I have assiduously been avoiding her like the plague. I am not ready to cope with making small talk about her kids. After the birth of her second child she phoned me. What have you been up to? Oh, just my fourth miscarriage. She did not say “I’m so sorry”, she asked “have you thought about adopting?”. I all but hung up on her and have not spoken to her since.

    So. It is a bit of a minefield around here.

    I have to get this off my chest: The opening talk was about IVF (I know, strange topic for an anaesthetic conference, but they like to get in unrelated speakers for the opening address, for some reason) which DH found highly informative. At one point the speaker said “we are getting to a point where donor egg, donor sperm and surrogacy are being utilised in one package” and the room laughed. Poor DH said he felt so small. Hearing him tell the story made me so mad, and I still feel a bit like crying when I think of it. I wished I was there to stand up and say “Well take a look. Take a good look at the person who wants to start a family so badly, and can’t, through no fault of their own. Take a look at seven miscarriages and six years of trying to conceive, a wrecked sex life, emotional hell, a string of ruined friendships and feeling of failure, and isolation from many avenues of society. Take a good look at a shattered future. Think about how you might cope with this life, and THEN see if you still feel like having a jolly good laugh at our expense”. I can only hope that the reason they spontaneously laughed was that human brains are wired to respond in such a manner to incongruity, and it was more of a reflex than a measured response. I don’t want to think that a roomful of doctors is as heartless and uncompassionate as all that. But I do wish they had tried to think about the people that walk in those shoes for a second. Even if was only after the fact.

    So, anyway. Welcome to my holiday. I don’t mean this to be a string of invective and complaint. It isn’t all misery, by any means. But as the title suggests, you don’t escape your feelings through relocating. And I haven’t. I’m doing the best with what I have, and this is where I am right now. It is sunny in Darwin, but it is still raining in my heart.

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    Almost on holiday

    This morning we leave for our holiday. DH got up early so he could go in to the hospital and do a ward round and maybe a bit of the emergency clinic before we head off, because he is a nice chap and they are a doctor short at the moment as one of the team has some health issues (DH dreamt last night that he had died- luckily he is not one of those people whose dreams always seem to come true). Plus the third doctor (of four) is still on holiday until Monday – so today there is one guy doing the work of four. [Which is also why Dh offered to stay on call Tuesday, Wednesday and last night as well].

    I heard the coffee machine go on at 6.30. At 7 am I heard the ambulance go past on the highway. I got up and DH was just sitting down to his eggs and mushrooms on toast. I said “I’m glad you’re having breakfast now, I just heard the ambulance go past” and then the phone rang as the words left my mouth. [When you are the Dr on call overnight, and there is an emergency before 9 am the next day, you are still in the driver’s seat].

    He scoffed down the rest of his breakfast rapidly and left without remembering to turn off the coffee machine. Someone has shot themselves, and is still alive. God, how horrible. I told him what an awful thing this is for him to have to go and see, and deal with, right now. I don’t know how he does it, I really don’t. And what is more strange is that he was very disturbed by our watching of the first series of Dexter this week. Very disturbed. I found I wasn’t bothered at all by that blood and gore and the fact of people being ruthlessly killed (I think also because of my childhood trauma – which was by no means as severe as Dexter’s, and thus I am not quite as emotionally retarded!- that the feeling part of my brain is quite dampened and although I feel for myself, it is harder for me to feel for others, and almost impossible for me to feel for fictional characters).
    So I said, “it’s weird how you are so bothered by serial killers on TV but you can go off to a real scene where a real person has shot off the back of their real head (or whatever, we don’t know the details at this stage), and be the one to clean up that real blood and gore and deal with the real fallout.” He said “Yeah, I can do that. But I don’t like serial killers”. (Bless him). Whereas, I think that real scene would be the thing that jolted my emotional centres, and would haunt and disturb me for a long time to come. How can you witness that, be in charge of trying to save a person’s life, and sew them back up, and not be affected? I could watch Wire in The Blood until the cows came home, but resuscitate a baby who has almost drowned in the bath? No way.
    I guess there is some element of having power in such situations, sometimes, anyway. The power of saving a life, of being in control, the rush you must feel when you bring someone back from the brink and they get to live longer. But not always. Sometimes they still die. I couldn’t handle that. In the way that I feel powerless to control my babies dying. It would eat me up. If I even got that far. I think I would more likely just freeze and panic and have an anxiety attack if I was confronted with an emergency situation. I hope I never am. I’ll stick to the serial killers and DH can keep his day job.
    Well that was cheerful wasn’t it? How about some light relief now?
    So, speaking of freezing, I have been searching for a large upright freezer for a long time. Maybe two years. Thinking, researching, saving the money. On Monday I finally bought one, and it was delivered on Wednesday with much debacle. Their truck broke down, then they had to get a replacement truck and reload it with all the other customer’s products, and hence they were very late in arriving and I waited in the whole day (of course), and missed out on my weekly walking group (which meets at 4pm). THEN they couldn’t find my house, taking about 40 mins from when they first phoned to confirm the directions, to when they turned up. THEN their truck was SO HUGE it wouldn’t fit down my driveway and I had to drive our ute up to the main track, where we reloaded the freezer into the back of my vehicle and drove it down to the house that way. Meanwhile, as one of the nice chaps was helping me fit it into the laundry (temporary home while the harvest shed gets constructed) the grumpy driver was busy getting his massive truck stuck between a tree and bogging his front wheels, trying to do a 3,5,7? point turn at the top of the track.
    I phoned DH at work at 5pm and warned him there could be a problem with him getting home, and he might want to go around the back way. He arrived about half an hour later saying he’d witnessed the gargantuan truck reversing up the track towards the main road, the wheels slipping uselessly on the loose gravel as it attempted to breach the last lip of the hill. One of our neighbours must have been driving by just in the nick of time, because he had his ute chained to the back of the truck and was kind of hoisting it the rest of the way. DH said it looked hilarious. I bet the chaps weren’t laughing. My job took them well over an hour and it wasn’t the last delivery of the day. Sigh. That’s what you get, living in the back roads of the country…
    But anyway, I GOT ME A FREEZER!! Can’t play with it yet, as I’m about to go on holiday, but it is installed, and I have been into the laundry several times expressly just to admire it. Once I have it stocked with the lamb my parents are offering us; half a baby goat; the ice cream machine and associated products, gallons of chicken stock, snap frozen broad beans/broccoli/peas etc; slow roasted tomatoes; freezer packs, LOTS of ice for summer cocktails and Lordy knows what else I can squeeze in – I’ll post a pic. Might not be until the end of summer, when I have lots of summer veg to store, and you’ll have forgotten all about my wondrous freezer, but I’ll post it. And then you will see. How it has revolutionised my world. Oh yes. Our fridge freezer can breathe again. We can stop having to rearrange every item each time we want to put one container of leftovers in it, or I make a new batch of stock, or DH buys a new bag of coffee before the last one has finished. Happy days.
    Um, did I mention I am about to go on HOLIDAY??? I am sure you can imagine just how badly I am in need of this getaway relaxing break. And isn’t it nice that no-one has mentioned, this time, how if I go on holiday I might find myself pregnant when I get back? Thank God. Or I would have had to punch them in the nose. But still. It’s nice to have a tiny bit of stupid-comment-free-time, even if you do have to lose a child to get it.
    I have already booked us a 2.5hr massage for the second day, and we intend many more of that kind of thing. But the warmth. Oh the warmth in my bones. That is what I am aching for [have I ever mentioned my (at least 2 yrs old now) dream of the infra red sauna? We don’t have one because they cost about 6 grand. But I dream, baby, I dream] – oh to release the coldness from my bones. Darwin for the next three days? Sunny, warm, 33 celsius. Mmm mmmmm. Here? Overnight temps of between 1 and 5, daytime tops of between 12 and 17. Yeah. You KNOW what I’m talking about.
    Bring. It. On.
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    Back in business, or: resume normal transmission

    Twice I was told today that I looked like I had lost weight. One person even said I was looking skinny! Which is odd because since my prac, (where I DID lose weight -dropping to 51k kg/112 lbs) I have [somewhat unsurprisingly] gained weight from months of inactivity and a couple of weeks of solid high calorie post-loss binge eating, and am now back to 52.5kg (115.5 lbs).

    Admittedly, I have also been hibernating for the past 6 weeks, first to pretend I was still on prac so people wouldn’t ask me why I wasn’t in school and I wouldn’t have to tell them I was pregnant because if it was going to end in tears I wanted to keep it to myself as long as possible. And then when in did end in tears I had to shut myself up and bawl on the sofa for a week before I was ready to face the world, and then I got knocked flat again with the recent BFF pregnancy announcement and had to climb back into bed and further lick my wounds, once again with the dependable help of the chocolate box.

    So, I’m back to where I was before I began my prac (on the outside appearance, anyway). Strange to think that same appearance can look thinner to the passerby than it did two and a half months ago. Does this mean people had a fatter image of me? Anyway. It was nice to hear that I still look ok on the outside, even if my insides are still tumultuous and my thoughts are occasionally black. My face gives away most of my feelings as it is – if there was some kind of x-ray device that displayed one’s inner world on a screen for all to see, I think my friend count would drop rapidly.

    Things have been HELLA busy here at the Hollow over the past week. Below, I’m plagiarising part of an email I wrote to a new friend, recently. Because I am lazy and busy and running out of time and I want to post what I have been doing and you can’t sue me for cheating.

    Before that, though, the back story: My Mum stayed last Thursday, DH’s dad arrived last Friday, a few fine friends came over Friday to help get the last of the revegetation plants in the ground, Mum left, FIL stayed til Tuesday. On the Saturday a friend and I went to watch him do traditional circle dancing at the Balingup Medieval Festival and that would be a whole other post in itself if I had the energy. Totally worth going once, for the experience of ogling crazily garbed folk getting right into the theme (at the level I imagine one would find at a Star Wars convention, say) but unless it is your bag (not mine, I’m happy to admit) probably not worth going again.

    On the Sunday, I found out the BFF pregnancy news and literally collapsed in a heap sobbing my eyes out in the corner of the kitchen, then took myself off to bed for the rest of the day (except to cook dinner for DH and FIL). DH was on call all weekend and constantly called in, so FIL had to plod along on his own, thankfully distracted by a huge project: moving stuff, cutting stuff up, building stuff, digging stuff up and putting paving down, in order to quicken the pace for the contractors arriving on Monday morning, and they were all there still working til the end of Tuesday. AND NOW WE HAVE AWESOME WATER PRESSURE AND SOLAR HOT WATER!!!! Whoo HOOO!!

    Unfortunately DH woke me up at about 1pm this morning, crashing around looking for a possum or something he heard on the verandah, then I couldn’t get back to sleep because my mind kept ruminating, and so I tooled around looking for Australian surrogacy websites online and joining up and posting my plight and asking for help. The birds began to sing as dawn broke at 6.30 and I finally fell asleep, but DH woke me up again at 9am when he had to come back upstairs and into the bedroom 3 times before going to work, because he kept forgetting things – belt, phone, etc.

    Then I got up anyway, had breakfast and went back to bed to relax and read, had two nuisance calls and then one from my mother letting me know a close family friend who is terminally ill has got about a month left – cancer has spread into her brain now. Great.

    Got up again, had a shower (JOY! over the last 2 days we have had 3-4 tradesmen here installing our new solar hot water system and it totally ROCKS – but I have been busy making them lunches, teas, coffee, cake, etc) and then I notice the slashing contractor has arrived to do our paddock (he never calls first) so I had to rush outside and put pink tape on all the new trees we planted so he didn’t mow over them, plus a bit of pruning so he could get past a big tree. Try to throw down some lunch as I work. Oh lord. Meanwhile, 2 loads of washing and a couple of organising phone calls, then I had to pack the car with the 5 trays of seed I sowed yesterday, ready to take over to a friend’s glasshouse. Paid the contractor, drove into town, took knives to the butcher’s for sharpening, collected a book from the library, withdrew money from bank, collected tax return docs from accountant and bought bread. Dropped seed trays off at friend’s, had a quick cup of tea then off to meet my Wed arvo walking group, and we walked an easy track for an hour, but I was exhausted by the end.

    Phew. Home at 5.15pm, get into house and good friend is leaving me a message so I pick up because I have to reschedule our sleepover weekend, we talk for 35mins, meanwhile DH comes home, I try to get dinner ready, then dinner is ready and eaten and he gets called out to the hospital to remove a foreign body from a person’s eye. He’s still there. I’m ready for bed!

    So much for my well-planned ‘take it easy and maybe an afternoon nap’ day. Scoff. Tomorrow is housework and prep for a Fri night arrival of house full (4 or 5 I think) of guests for weekend. Gotta run round re-making spare beds, hoovering, washing floors, cleaning bathrooms (just said farewell to FIL on Tuesday, he’s been here since last Friday night) but at least I’ve already washed the sheets. I’m almost falling asleep just thinking about it all.

    That was Wednesday. Thursday was a massive house-clean run, with a bit of spring-clean side-track thrown in, and today I started back at painless pump class, and ran around town doing quick shopping and other chores, then late lunch and crawled back into bed for a much needed nap. Just off now to grab a conifer-tree delivery from a friend’s place, then home to do a nice lentil soup for dinner, and greet the guests.

    I’m still sad, but I’m not debilitated. And though I am appearing to be super busy, I’m still doing the work of grieving, crying as I hang the washing or make the beds, or run into friends down town who haven’t seen me in ages and have no idea what I’ve just gone through.

    There’s a lot to discuss about the surrogacy option, but that can wait. Unfortunately the trees cannot, and so I must bid my faithful readers farewell and hope to return before my holiday in Darwin and Bali begins next Thursday….

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    Open wound, insert salt. Or: for fuck’s SAKE, why does the universe hate me so much?

    So here’s a funny thing. Some of you might remember last year when I lost my ectopic pregnancy, my BFF in a similar situation got pregnant two months later. Unfortunately she lost that baby (her second loss). You know what’s coming now don’t you? I had a horrible feeling this would happen, and it has. She’s just got pregnant again this cycle.

    I feel like I’ve been stabbed in the heart. I think this one is going to be a keeper, and it is going to remind me forever of the loss I’ve just had. My little one would be ‘that’ old now, going to school, etc etc. I don’t begrudge her a pregnancy or a child, but the timing sucks to high heaven. I am totally devastated. I simply cannot watch her belly grow big over the next nine months. I cannot do it. I cannot share this with her. I feel churlish and mean but I feel totally overwhelmed and traumatised by this turn of events. And because I can’t handle the pain of watching her complete her dream, or be there for her during this pregnancy, I feel like I am also losing a friend, and a dear one at that. Which compounds the pain of it all.
    The distress I feel right now is just indescribable. DH points out that she was there for me during this last pregnancy but I have to argue that it is not the same. She has had two losses and is in the statistical category of having the same chance as any normal person of carrying to term. When she was supporting me, she was about ten months out from her previous loss, and she’s about 5 years younger. I have hardly any chance at all of ever carrying to term, I am one week out from my last, and in all probability final, loss, nearing forty with a grand total of eight children who will never share my home or my genetic material with me. Maybe she would be just as supportive as she has always been, even if the positions were completely reversed. Maybe. But I can’t do it. At this moment, I can’t think of a worse emotional situation to be in.
    Right now I feel as though I just want to go dig a very deep hole, climb in and bury myself forever.
    Posted in Uncategorized | 16 Comments