About: Take Two

The Blunt Optic is the second incarnation of this blog. Now I am no longer trekking through infertility, but moving more consciously through a journey with autism,(and no longer solo!) it is time for a freshen up and a name change. As of 2020 I am a fifty year old woman, with a late diagnosis of autism (HFL1 at 47 years old). My son was diagnosed in 2016 at 3(ish) with HFL2 autism. [I probably won't update this section often so if you're reading after 2020, you'll have to do your own maths.] I'm not sure what this blog is 'about' but I will come here to dump my thoughts about whatever is on my mind. I may or may not censor them. I'm not going to apologise for them. If readers don't like them, they can feel free to move on. The blog title ought to provide enough of a clue...

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