Round Four: My period arrived a day early and all in a surprised rush. That hasn’t happened since teenaged days. Nor have the intense painful cramps, of which I had two whole days that laid me almost incapacitated. Ugh. My progesterone/estrogen numbers post ovulation look great, but I FEEL much worse. Sigh. Is this just the price of a working reproductive system or is there more wrong than I know about?
I had a friend visiting for just that weekend, had been planned for months, so it was a bummer to be so lacklustre the whole time. Not to mention still quite affected by E’s pregnancy announcement. Barrel of laughs, me.
As for Round Two: beta came in today at 222, prog 79. Yes, a BFP for our camp. Woot!
We are not announcing for a good while yet, so this news is strictly off the books. No outing me on my wall, no telling people IRL if you live in Australia. That means ANY LIVING PERSON. You know there is only one degree of separation in Perth, and it WILL spread like wildfire even if you tell your sister’s MIL’s second cousin twice removed.
So. Mike and I are rather shellshocked. I’d love to talk about prams and change tables and what kind of nappies we want to use but it still seems so tenuous and unreal. I hope a baby is in our future. This is the closest we’ve come to the possibility so far. Will April bring a live, kicking, screaming child into our home? Only time will tell.
Meanwhile we have booked our flights to New York. Depart Perth Friday 28th September, leave New York to come home Wed 24th October. Hoping this is the last international holiday we get to have in a long time!
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