Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more drama-filled, my immune system decides to collapse under the strain of it all and reawaken the varicella zoster virus deposited in my system via chicken pox at age 10. And oh how it hurts.
I thought I’d just waxed a little too hard under my armpit, but when the pain had not subsided the next day, and had furthermore spread around to my sub scapula area, DH diagnosed shingles. I left it another day, hoping it could maybe just be pulled muscles from my overexertion at pump class, but realistically, the pain wasn’t muscular, and was very much nerve based sensitivity that wasn’t responding to large amounts of codeine. So yesterday I started on valaciclovir even though I haven’t sported a rash yet, because if it doesn’t turn out to be shingles, then the anti virals won’t hurt, but if it is shingles and I’ve caught it really early, then I’ll have less chance of developing the postherpetic neuralgia. Please please PLEASE let me escape that hell.
Oh how it hurts enough already.
I’ve spent the entire day in bed, watching Weeds and checking Facebook and playing bridge and I am heartily sick of it all. At least it rained the WHOLE day (and is still raining) so that went a small way towards making me happy.
But basically, I’m just waiting for a decent time to go to bed, because being asleep is the only comfortable state to be in right now.
Things have to get better soon, right?
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