So. B’s levels did not come up, even those the dose was doubled. Cycle is therefore cancelled. We are all very disappointed, none more so than poor B, who I think is taking it the hardest. The Dr is talking about cycling her again straight away after she gets her period, but keeping her on the puregon, and upping the dose to 600 (which is the maximum). I think this is folly. I can’t see why he’s choosing that over Gonal F, which worked for her the first time she cycled for a recipient. Granted, the levels weren’t high and there were only two embryos produced, but shit- two is better than none, from where I’m sitting. And we just can’t be asking her to go through this a third time. To my mind, we take the path of least risk, surely?
And on THAT note, the good doctor has seen fit to change M’s drug from puregon, (which after her dose was doubled to 100, came up with bloods at 700 today that the nurse called ‘perfect’) to estradiol for the next cycle. I’m sure estradiol might be fine, but WHY TO GOD DO YOU WANT TO THROW IN ANOTHER UNKNOWN FACTOR, WHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING THAT WORKS???
I am seriously getting jacked off at these decisions, and have asked DH to speak with him personally as soon as he is able. Goddamnit, I want some answers.
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