NCLM so far

NaComLeavMo has been a double edged sword for me this week. On the one hand, it has been great making contact with so many wonderful and interesting people. On the other hand, it has taken a LOT of time – I have had a huge backlog from the days where I was unable to participate and I am really feeling the pressure.

I have just seen (Jendeis) and she has given me a good idea. I am going to make a list of the sites I visit during NCLM starting today. [Great thing to do when you are already feeling the pressure is to spend more time documenting it.]
All of this has also helped me have a good look at where I want to invest my day to day energy (that old theme coming back up!). Today I downloaded some podcasts, wistfully looking at the old ones I hadn’t had time to listen to yet. I sorted through some new (new & second hand) books and put them on my bedside table pile. It was so tall and toppling, I had to make it into two (big) piles. I thought about the garlic and the tulip bulbs I haven’t planted yet.
I spent my gardening time (2hrs) cleaning up after the flood and rescuing shrubs that had almost come free from the ground and whose roots had been totally exposed. I spent some time having conversations with my sister, who was visiting for the weekend, and some time logging new books onto my excel spreadsheet. [Ironically I have been collecting second hand children’s books since 1996, thinking some day they would come in handy. It has become rather a passion (obsession?) over the years, and I have them on a well-organised data base, listed in alphabetical order,within their genre.] I also got together 20 titles for a friend’s child, to whom I regularly loan an assorted box, as I will see her tomorrow at yoga (she is my teacher).
So that all got me to thinking – will I ever find time to read all those books and listen to all those podcasts? How much time should I be spending on the internet? Should I be doing something more useful and productive than logging books on a spreadsheet? I did no yoga, no meditation, no qi gong today. Am I going to spend the rest of my life entertaining/distracting myself with essentially unimportant stuff? Or am I going to start concertedly devoting some time to my spiritual/personal/mental/psychological growth? Which would mean doing the meditation/qi gong/ yoga first and any other thing second. What about writing in my dream diary? And keeping up with my blog? And filing all those photos into the album? And I really want to start getting a bit of aerobic exercise back into my week, as I have had 3 months off exercise and feel terrible for it. I know I am physically ready to begin again, but I haven’t made the time.
Time. Never enough of it. So many things I want to do, and not enough time in which to do them. So how do I choose?

And anyway. It’s bedtime.

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